Blog Post- A Mountain For Me & A Mountain For You.
I love that mountains can be used to represent so many things. I love that mountains mean something a little different to every person. I love that everyone knows of their existence. Never will you ask someone about mountains and they respond with, “Moun-whats”.
To one person a mountain could represent an obstacle. Something so big and seemingly impossible to get past. A mountain people can unfortunately face in life is job loss. And when you are standing at the base of that mountain you look up and your breath is taken away. And not in a “vacay to the Rockies” kind of way. More like a bring you to your knees searching for hope kind of way.
To another it could represent adventure and a challenge. And some thrive off that. I am one for sure. Without some adventurous spirit and a challenge I likely won’t partake in an endeavor. I took a trip to Idaho the summer after I graduated and my grandma and I drove some 11,000 feet up a mountain to camp and hike. Our campsite was stunning and we had the general campsite things to do, but I wasn't excited about any of it. It wasn't until we randomly decided to take the longest of the three hiking trails the next day that I came alive. It was definitely the more challenging of the 3, my grandma and I could clearly see that from the map. But we had all day, snacks in our bag, and bottles full of water. Why not, right? And that ended up being one of the most memorable moments of my life!
To someone a mountain may represent this journey we are on called life. You see when you get a cluster of mountains- known as a range of mountains- you have the mountain tops and the valley lows. And as you are traveling about, seeking after the high places and mountain tops, you end up walking up steep slopes, sliding down loose gravel- questioning if you will ever stop and get a grip again! On that journey through the range you will reach peaks where you will feel triumphant, and then you will drop down into a valley and question everything! And that is OKAY! Seriously, my friend! All of it is this beautiful process and journey! Embrace it!
To another person a mountain could represent simply a beautiful creation. One that should be marveled at, painted, photographed. One that is unexplainable. One that is awe-consuming. One that is this magnificent work of art.
A while back a friend of mine shared a little nugget of wisdom with me and I haven’t been the same since. Knowing my love for mountains (a love that she also possesses), she said to me that God created the beautiful mountains and YET he calls US His masterpiece! Us broken people- His most prized possession. Most days I feel more like a mess than a masterpiece! Can you relate? Yet Ephesians 2:10 clearly says, “For we are God’s masterpiece.”
This is why the Chevron Ring by Michael is on my “to buy” list! It reminds me of a mountain. And I will wear it to serve as a constant reminder of the mountain tops, valley lows, adventures, challenges, embracing of the journey I am on, Ephesians 2:10, God’s love for me, the obstacles and the mountain mover, and the simple beauty of the mountain!